R.I.P. Snow Bunny Of The Day

Well I’ve run out of girls to feature as the Snow Bunny Of The Day.  Either girls have boyfriends and didn’t want to do it, or some think it’s just flat-out fucking weird and think I’m creepy for even asking them if they would be down to do it.  Everyone enjoys reading the Snow Bunny blogs but when it comes time to actually finding and asking girls then everything changes around.  I have to head over to the facebook chat box and try to ask some girls I may or may not know if they would be interesting in participating with the bunny portion. I don’t just go for the random picks since I already know what girls I want to put on and would be interesting.  When that option is dead then I have to move on to random girls and that’s when I become a “creep” I guess?  Even though I explain what’s going on I get bs answers as responses…..No thanks would be better. Anyways I’m just going to decided to end the Snow Bunny Of The Day since the searching is a hassle and I still have no girls for the next four days. Eh….I guess I won’t get lucky like Christopher Columbus.  It was fun while it lasted.

P.S. Someone just asked me why don’t I search my friends list and maybe that will be easier for me.  – Eh not thanks, takes to long to do.  If anyone feels like doing that than go ahead and let me know what lucky winner you find.

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